SEO + Site Design for Birth Workers
Search Engine Optimization
For Birth Professionals, by a Birth Professional
Hey friend! I hear your website isn’t doing so great. Maybe you’ve got kickass design, and nobody to see it. Or maybe you have traffic, but not from the right kind of people. Perhaps you’re moving to a new area, and you’re afraid that your client inquiries are about to come to a screeching halt.
Take a deep breath! We’ll get through this together.
I’ve been a birth photographer in Austin, TX for over 11 years. Eleven years is a long time, and not a single one of those years has passed without my spending countless hours researching how to properly optimize my website to get in front of potential clients—and not just any clients, but my clients.
I’ve taken courses and read e-books and pored over websites until I thought my eyes might fall out. I’ve implemented strategy after strategy, to figure out what really works in our unique niche as birth workers. Now, my website holds the top search engine ranking position for over 20 high-quality keyword phrases related to direct client work, plus dozens of other front page rankings.
Along with my knowledge of SEO, I bring forward my own experiences as a birth professional—photographer, doula, and advocate. This experience gives me a strong edge over other SEO agencies and freelancers, because I know this industry, this work, and our clients more intimately than most.

Client Testimonials
Details & Pricing
SEO + Website Investment
I charge an hourly fee of $100 for SEO optimization and site design, so you can invest as much or as little as you comfortably can. How much you need to invest will depend a lot on how much work you need or want done, but hourly services make it possible to work little by little if needed, while still getting results right away. I have had clients invest anywhere from $100 to $1500, but most people will find an investment of $200-$500 will yield desirable results to start.
What’s Included?
What I do for you will be dependent upon what you need and how much you choose to invest. However, it will include all, or a combination of some, of the following:
Keyword Research
On-Page SEO
Full or Partial Site Redesign
Portfolio Updates & Critique
Backlinking Strategies
1:1 SEO Mentoring